Become a Better Version of Yourself
Touching the Hearts of People Through Christian Novels
Become a Better Version of Yourself
Touching the Hearts of People Through Christian Novels

Books That Share God’s Plan of Salvation
Each book in this wonderful series of inspirational novels by Helen Glowacki is independent of one another, but once you read one, you will want to read the others so you too can become a part of this wonderful family of characters. The stories are heartwarming, suspenseful, and inspiring and allow the reader to experience, along with each character, how they meet their challenges, and how they deal with the pain of overcoming heartaches.
They learn of an enemy who wants them to fail, and of the protection that God offers against this enemy, and gain a greater understanding of why bad things happen to good people. Book reviews sent to the publisher and those posted on the various websites offering these novels for sale have been incredibly positive and many tout this author as one who will shortly be on the best-seller list.

By: Dr. Walter Forman
North Palm Beach, Florida
Grandma’s Little Book of Poetry: The Story of God’s Plan of Salvation is a “wonderful book is about the successes and failures of real life and the story of the Good News of God’s love for us. All of Helen’s novels are wonderful to read, but more importantly, they are a balm for the soul and an education to the seeker.”
By: Katharina Leipp
Muhlacker, Germany
When God Broke Grandma´s Heart provides a different view on life´s troubles. It is a well-written and enthralling book about Victoria´s memories, which she wishes to share with her granddaughter. It is no common novel, but a book which asks its readers to think and to open their hearts. Therefore, this book is a true treasure and stands out from other attempts to explain how sorrow can be turned into joy. Though a challenging read, this book offers uplifting turning points and surprising conclusions and while it is not meant as a solution for every problem, it is a valuable pointer, showing in a loving way that the key to forgiveness lies within oneself. It demonstrates that with God’s help, grace and mercy, the forgiveness we offer leads to our healing which leads us into joy. This unusual book is written in a very touching way; it never judges human weaknesses and it embraces the reader with the true meaning of love and kindness. Helen Glowacki has the gift of making her characters come to life and confronting the reader with vivid details which draws them into the story and brings them to a way of life which is created from what the characters have learned. This is a book truly worth reading twice and beautifully suited to be a gift. I was reminded that the name “Victoria” originates from the Latin “Victoria” which stands for “victory”. When God Broke Grandma´s Heart invites its readers to become such a “Victoria.”
By: Ben Lodwick, Avid Reader
Brookfield, Wisconsin
Wow! I’ve just finished reading the third book in this series of wonderful novels and can’t find words great enough to describe them. At a time when there are so many troubles in the world and so many people who suffer, these books are a real eye opener about God’s plan of salvation and why bad things happen to good people. They remind me of Jim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins “Left Behind Series”. These books are a MUST READ!”
By: Edith Stier, 32 Years as the wife of a Minister
Clifton, New Jersey
I am the wife of a retired District Evangelist. Many times during my husband’s ministry I was aware of a parishioner living through a difficult circumstance, but because of my husband’s responsibilities to provide assistance and counseling, I was not always able to help in the matter. Helen Gumienny Glowacki’s The Grandma Series are a wonderful way to provide help and support to someone in need when other avenues of communication are closed. These books are inspiring, uplifting, educational, and heartwarming. Every story ends with a beautiful example of how God explains our pain, renews our hope, shows us the way out of our situation and creates a miracle for our lives. I love this series.
By: Tammera L. Shelton, M.S. Psychology
Odenton, Maryland
As a counselor to many who struggle with challenging circumstances in their lives, I found “When God Broke Grandma’s Heart” an inspirational story of hope. Despite cruelty and betrayal from those she trusted, and the multiple adversities Grandma endured, she was able to find strength and understanding through her faith in and love of God. Helen Gumienny Glowacki beautifully portrays the phases that individuals move through and the transformation that can occur when one is able to let go of negative events in their past and strive towards the understanding that regardless of how unjust, none of the pain was for naught.
By: Frank Geores
Star of Bethlehem
Helen Gumienny Glowacki’s novel When Grandma Chased The Spirits serves the reader in a similar manner as the Star of Bethlehem served earlier seekers….it leads the reader to a beautiful spiritual experience. It shows us the gifts God offers that leads us to inner peace and understanding. Helen’s work is so special that I believe it will become a shining navigational tool for many who search for understanding just as the Star of Bethlehem once served as a navigational tool for those who searched for the Christ child. Helen Gumienny Glowacki has, with extraordinary skill, created characters who express their love for others in a beautiful way, and have the desire to go the extra mile to help those struggling with doubt, and those who have been misguided. Through the manuscripts and journals created by “grandma”, and discovered by the various characters in Helen’s stories, one can actually see into the caring nature and loving heart of the author. Her stories eloquently reveal her love for God and her diligent search for truth.
By: Alette Venter
Pietermartizburg, South Africa
By far this is the deepest and most meaningful novel I have ever read, It touched my soul and brought tears to my eyes. Children of God are not exempt from sorrow, pain and difficult circumstances. We go through the fires of life now to be moulded, shaped and prepared for eternal life, when the devil will be cast into the pit of fire where he cannot bring us harm. Helen’s understanding of what goes on in the world is amazing and her understanding of God’s work is astounding. Through her eyes one can gain a better understanding of the mysteries of God’s word. This story is about a family that truly loved God even through difficult times and through great times and stand firm in their belief and trust in God. A mother loses her baby,a brother dies a sudden death after a hard life, but also trusted God and all seek answers through scripture. For Jim it was more difficult because he’d had a bad experience with the church he attended and also because of his mother’s experience,but despite these challenges, God had a plan to draw him back. Our Heavenly Father says, “I will never leave you, I will always be at your side and I will never give you anything that you can’t handle.” I recommend “Abiding Faith, Hidden Treasure” to everyone; it will make you understand things better in terms of God’s plan as it did me.
By: Reverend Richard C. Freund, President, New Apostolic Church USA.
Sea Cliff, New York
Helen Gumienny Glowacki is a magnificent writer, who is truly able to weave a story that will make the reader become emotionally involved in the character’s lives. It was a joy to read this book and the reader will appreciate the strong Christian values portrayed therein. This book will certainly whet the appetite for the other books in the series. “When God Broke Grandma’s Heart” by Helen Gumienny Glowacki is a certain bet to be a best seller.Once again, Helen Gumienny Glowacki enthusiastically presents a scenario, which will delight readers and bring comfort to anyone who is grieving. This book “When God Took Grandma Home” will inspire all readers and give them a deeper insight into the after-life. This book is a masterful portrayal of young people searching for the truth. It is sure to be a great success.
By: Rev. Fred Krueger, retired Lutheran Minister of 12 years and Clinical Social Worker for 26 years.
From Dallas, Texas
“I’ve just read one of the most inspiring books I have read in a long time! The story and characters reveal real life situations in a remarkable and inviting form. I am certain that such a riveting story can also serve as an effective supportive tool for pastoral and mental health counselors. Ms. Glowacki described the stages of grief and God’s comforting plan in an extraordinary way and through characters that really grab the heart. She is an author I expect to see on the bestseller list very soon and for many years to come. I look forward to the next books in her wonderful, inspiring series. A pleasure to read, a masterful idea, “When God Took Grandma Home” by Helen Gumienny Glowacki is filled with the most beautiful insight into God’s plan for us!